Friday, December 5, 2008

Quick Post

I've been so busy with assignments for this week, sorry for abandoning you, my blog D:

Nothing much to blog actually, but I just feel that I want to blog :P Actually I want to write a super long entry about a movie that I'm interested in, but that must wait for another time. For now, it's just some quick updates about what I've been doing.

1. Almost finished this term, left a bit of 3D modelling, some programming for DM3, and LOTS I mean TONS of programming and animating to do for ADM.

2. Finished the 4 series of Mystery Case Files, just bought the 5th series, Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst for $9.90(50% off!). I've enjoyed the series a lot, so I think buying this series is a must. Besides, it's on discount! \o/

3. Into some jazz lately. Blame Suba for all of those jazz influence. Currently into Jamie Cullum, Matt Dusk and Michael Buble

4. Re-watch X-Men, gain back memories on how awesome Nightcrawler is.

5. Think Ryan Reynold abs can be a substitute for washboard. It's TOO defined. Oh yeah, he'll act as Deadpool in X-Men Origin: Wolverine next year.

6. Still think Hugh Jackman is super sexy. Currently use his picture as desktop wallpaper.

7. Been having weird sleeping schedule

8. Been blogging to procrastinate.


Anonymous said...

Cool blog! Love the layout & the posts. :)
Looking forward for more.

tanyus said...

@Allan: Thanks! Welcome to my blog =]

Annoymous said...

Hugh jackson the wolverine ? Yeah he's cool

tanyus said...

@harmony: yep! :D