Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rude Person and First Week TOA

I was sleeping and dunno how in my dreams there's a very rude guy that makes me so angry until I really shout "EXCUSE ME!!! MIND YOUR MANNERS!" in reality until I woke up =.=!
I hate rude person. I really can't stand somebody who treat other people like shit. Grrr!

Btw, we started new term in TOA since 5 January. Finally I choose Advanced Web Design and Game Art and Planning for my elective subject. Actually I regret this decision after Sweii asked me if I've been given chance what skill I want to take. I answer Motion Graphic and Flash. Stupid me and my indecisive brain :(. But I think advanced web design will also give me lot's of new experience.

Btw, to my first week summary in TOA for this term. Firstly I can't believe now I'm in my 3rd year 2nd term. Wow, time sure move fast. In monday we got Final Project Studio with Sweii. As the name suggested, this term we start to do our Final Project. I'm so excited with this subject, hope I can execute my idea well.

Tuesday actually we got Game Art and Planning with Jordan, but we change the class to Friday. I think class is my favorite class this term, I'm so excited with our game plan and we also got to play in game room LOL. Yesterday our class play Wii together, it's such a super fun game. At first we play the standard Wii sports with Team Indonesia (consist of me and Wahyu) vs Team Malaysia (the rest of the class) and Team Indonesia win 3-0 woots! XD After that we play Wario for a while. Wario is such a funny game, it reminds me of Bishi Bashi Special. Jordan said actually he want to show more games to us, but because of the time limits he'll only show more games in our next class. Oooh, I love this class.

Wednesday we got Portfolio Presentation with Wai Khong. In this class our project is to sell ourself to agencies so they'll hire us. Actually I really like my idea, but Wai Khong said he already saw similar idea from my senior. Call me perasan or arrogant but after see senior's work I think I can do better than that and my idea is not similar. But I'll think of something else first to make my idea more solid.

Thursday is... the class that I think will be the most boring class in this term, Business and Client Management. No comment so far, since I don't even know and understand yet what's our project is.

The last one is Advanced Web Design, we need to create online capaign for Solar Energy awareness. I'm glad that I'm in the same group with Chen and Dee. I'm quite excited too with this class, because we got interesting topics to do.

Overall, judging from the schedule my lecturers give I think my class won't get enough sleep again this term (like we ever got enough =.=). The good thing is we got many interesting projects and group work, so maybe it won't be so bad.

p.s I plan to buy a handheld console, but still undecided which console I'll buy. Nintendo DS or PSP?


ahbonk said...

Wah power jugak ah Team Indonesia. Tak guna lah Team Malaysia, mesti chen punya pasal ni.

Glad you like the Game Art and Planning ;) But don't always play play ah!

And following ur question about DS or PSP, my recommendation for u specifically is the DS. I give different recommendation to different ppl, btw. Although new DS games now are a little on the slow side, there's a long history of really great games, whereas PSP's momentum only started recently.

Chen said...

Eh Hello~! Not my fault Mr. Bonk!!! How could you??