Sunday, June 21, 2009


Since 2 days ago I broke my bedroom's doorknob, but I'm too busy to change it so I just let it be. For safety I always put my bedroom key outside, but today when I collect my laundry, I FORGOT about it. Therefore I locked outside my room without key =.=


Ok, I actually planned to write long ass entry about today's incident, but after this blog writing activity inevitably interrupted I suddenly lost the mood D:
So I'll just sums up everything:
1. Wounded my thumb because of the door incident, and it HURTS SO MUCH.
2. The door ended up looking so ugly =.=

3. I love my bookmark design so much =D Will sell it for graduation campaign bazaar :)
4. Steven's reaction when I said I liked Anton Yelchin in Star Trek and Terminator Salvation
"But Nyuuus Anton Yelchin is a little boy"
"how come?"

LOLOLOLOL xD He's 20 ok, old enough for me xD

ok, that's pretty much sums up what I wanted to say D:
And song of the day, Starlight by Muse