The nice surprise is...
We got cats in our house!!!! Yes, you read it right, catS.
Means not 1, not 2, not even 3, but 5 cats in my house! XD
OMG it's like a cat farm XD
Why it surprise me? Because all I know is my family not too fond of cat, so why suddenly there's 5 cats in my house? Wow!
So here's the story (courtesy of my mum) how the cat can ended up in our house.
For your information, we open a small shop mini-mart like in my hometown, so the cat can easily just go inside my house. Two months ago, a pregnant cat come to our shop, my mum almost want to shoo it out, but then the cat give birth in our shop, in storage room for details. There she gave birth for 4 lovely kittens. My mum and dad don't have the heart to just throw out those new born kittens, so they just let them stay in our storage room since then! My mum said she didn't really mind because the cat easy to take care of, so she just keep them there. I'm so happy, okay! Of all my family member, only me the one who like cats! They're super cute XD
I want to take proper photo of them, but it's a VERY HARD thing to do because they're keep moving here and there! So energetic XD The only time they can stand still is only when mommy cat give them their daily milk~
I guess if I keep talking about my 5 cute cats I wouldn't be able to stop, so let me continue my talk about my holiday!
22nd April 2008 - 8th May 2008
Can't really remember chronologically what I do in my hometown, but here's the thing that I do:
1. Helping my parents to run our shop
2. Going for culinary tour with my favorite cousin, Jessica :D
3. Playing with kittens
4. Take care of sick mommy cat
5. Reading lots of books, thanks to Chris for lending me lots of nice books!
6. Thinking and introspecting a bit about my study
7. Playing my good old Playstation!
8. Playing strategy game that I terrible in playing it
And now I'm not as bad as before, ok! Before I only can pass the first 2 stages, but now I can pass until 5 stages! :D patience is virtue! I'm not good in games, but I still love to play :p
9. Eat
I eat a LOT, people started telling me that I'm getting fatter than before. Will elaborate later :p
10. Go shopping with my mum
11. Walking around my small home town, yes, WALK
12. Teaching my auntie how to write Chinese characters using computer
My auntie is very passionate in teaching and studying! Even though she's already in her 60s, she still study mandarin, even teach some kids! At first there's just 3 people that asked her to teach them, but now there's already more than 20, and my auntie teach them for free! She's one of my favorite auntie :D
13. Talk a lot with my mum
14. Hearing family gossips among my aunties :p
15. Go to my auntie's new house
16. Not touching my laptop everyday, just sometimes
It's a very amazing thing, ok! Since I come to Malaysia to study in The One Academy, it's VERY RARE for me to not touch my laptop for every 3 hours or less!
17. Reading my writings
I used to write some short stories that I never finish! I always know the whole story in my head already, but then when I need to write it, my mind goes very complicated that makes me give it up. So I read them, and I surprise myself that I'm not so bad actually! :D But I embarrassed to show it to anyone hahaha!
18. Listen to my old CDs
19. Plan to cut my hair short!
After I read the book "Norwegian Wood", suddenly I got an inspiration to cut my hair short! I'm getting tired of my curly hair, so why not make it change extremely then! But my Idea must wait until Selvia go back from China, because neither me nor Nesia remember where the Salon we usually goes for! Hahaha! I forget ok, because it's not around Sunway!
20. Stay the night at my auntie's place
Playing Wii with my cousin until my hand become sore :p Some more I always lose, never win even though just for once! Those young cousins taking advantage of the old me! :'(
21. Reading lots of LOTR fanfiction
Some more the one that I read is the slash ones! Usually I only read the humor/parody/general ones, but for this holiday I try to read slash, and to my surprise, it's not as bad as I though. Quite entertaining actually, even though there still some part that I can't take.
DON'T, DON'T you ever makes MY Elrond become so feminine, ok! He might be a lore master, scholar, etc but he also a warrior, a herald of high king before he become the Master of Imladris! I really can't take it when those slash writers make Elrond become terribly feminine!
DON'T, DON'T, DON'T you ever make Glorfindel sounds so weak, ok! He's the mighty Balrog slayer! Even Nazgul run away from his wrath! I hate it when Glorfindel become the weak ones, the feminine ones. In my imagination Glorfindel always be the hero huhuhu! So making him the bottom ones really breaking my heart ok! He's always a mighty but still goofy Glorfindel for me :p
Phew, so far that's the only complain. And oh yeah, I hate sad ending. So I try to avoid fanfiction where there got Gil-Galad's death there. I like Gil-Galad so much, but too bad the High King must die T___T
Err ok, I think I talk too much about the fanfiction :p Move on!
On 8th May 2008, 00.01 am My mum sms me:
"Selamat ultah yo. Kadonyo gek mak ksh *censored*"
translated: "Happy birthday. Mum will give you *censored* as present"
At first I though like this:
"Oh, wow! I'm 20 years old already! I even forgot about my birthday!"
but then when I though about it again:
"Mum! It's 8th May! My birthday is at 9th May! T______T"
Huhuhu! T________T
Ok! Will continue to the next part, my holiday in Jakarta! :D
kucingnya enak kayaknya /gg *yum*
/omg kucing saya bukan buat dimakan! *tabok*
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