Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Tender Hook

Just got the news about Hugo's new movie, The Tender Hook, have a new trailer and poster out. The Tender hook is an indie film noir from Australia. If you not yet know, I'm a fan of Hugo Weaving and when I watch the trailer I feel like jumping because there he sings! OMG even though I think the lyrics is a bit doh to me at the end, but it's still his voice that sings! Oh, I'm completely in love again with him

He sings!

Selvia ever commented that he's not handsome at all, but hey! It's not that he's not handsome, it's just that he's unconventionally handsome, ok! Some more he he got a very sexy voice, just watch V for Vendetta and you'll know how amazing his voice is~

Another movie of him that I want to watch is "The Wolfman". I think it'll be the only horror movie that I'll watch willingly LOL. As much as I hate horror movie, I will at least try to watch it because there's Hugo in that movie :p There he played Detective Aberline, a Scotland detective trying to solve the mystery.
Not my favorite look of him D: But I still want to see anyway
Enough fangirlism in this blog, will swooning over him by myself now <3