Friday, June 27, 2008

Somebody Sleep Worse Than Me

I though I'm the worst sleeper. Actually not. Because Wahyu just beat me. I tried waking him up 3 times+1 time by Chris only he wake up. Alamak~!

1st try:
Me: Wahyuuuuu wake up~! *knock knock*
Wahyu: ....
Me: Wahyuuuuu!!!! *knock knock*
Wahyu: mmmmmmm..................
Me: *open the door* *shake shake* Wake up!!!
Wahyu: mmmmmm
then I gave up and asked Chris to wake him. But she failed also.
That keep repeating until the 4th time~
Alamak, next time must record Lona's voice just to wake him up la!

Oh yea, the whole class in Melaka now!
And Hazmer, no you won't got your cookie, because you put down my hands and feet at chen's blog! :P