Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Forgotten Child

Well, Rave finally become the student of TOA! 8DDDD And finally he can contact me few days ago. So here's the conversation:

tanyus.indrayani: so where do you live?
lunatic_rave: cyberjaya
tanyus.indrayani: seriously
lunatic_rave: yes xD;;;
tanyus.indrayani: O____O
tanyus.indrayani: and I though it's freaking far
earthquake_tool: how far?
lunatic_rave: like from Jakarta to Bogor
earthquake_tool: xD;;;
So, last Thursday we met and plan to help him find another place to stay in Friday.
No such luck in Mentari Court, but luckily I called Wahyu! Guess what? Now Wahyu got a new housemate 8D
Yes, Rave will stays in Wahyu's place 8D
Phew! Finally Rave got a new place! Poor Rave, everyday take taxi from Cyberjaya to Sunway ^^; That make him broke and like what he said, "eat like a very poor student" LOL.
Btw, this is what Rave said about Mentari Court:
At first I though I come to the wrong place, there's building construction and lots of dust. It feels like in a cowboy movie.
Me and Nesia just LOLed at that. He looks so relived to that he doesn't have to live in Mentari Court xD;;;

Btw, I feel soooooo annoyed with my neighbor. They rudely THROW THEIR RUBBISH IN FRONT OF OUR DOOR!!! I just caught them when I just finished writing the entry above. I'M SO ANNOYED! So I kick the rubbish in front of them! I also suspect they're the one who make pranks of us, stopping our water in the morning! GRR! DAMN ANGRY MAN!!! *almost want flash middle finger* =___________=####

Ugh, and about the title, my mom forget about me DDDDD:
Me: Mom, have you send the money for this month? Because I haven;t received any, maybe they delayed again like before?
Mom: *laugh* Sorry, mom forget so send it.
Me: DDDDDDDDDD:::: ????????????????????? T.T